Therasage Blog — exercise

Your Immune System Supports You All Year, Treat it in Kind
Every year I usually long for a little more summer when fall’s cool days take over and winter is sure to follow. But it is these seasonal changes that are good reminders to appreciate what has kept you healthy throughout the year, what has kept you afloat as cold and flu season approaches- Melody Besner
- Tags: chemicals detox exercise gut health health immune system toxins wellness

The 6 Pillars of Healing: Guest Blog by Dr. Stephen Sinatra
I’ve learned that it’s all the little things that are a part of our daily lifestyles that matter. They eventually add up, and can “make or break” your health. That’s why I recommend these six foundational practices – my “pillars of optimal health” – as long-term lifestyle choices to help you get healthy and stay healthy.
Light and Nitric Oxide: Enlighten Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Vitamin D is more than a vitamin, it is a hormone that controls many functions in the human body. However, many people do not understand the importance of sunlight on the production of nitric oxide (NO), my favorite molecule.- Melody Besner
- Tags: exercise infrared sauna light nitric oxide vitamin d

Guest Blog: Finding Balance and Energy with MVMT47: Jaclyn & Gaby
Our physical body is a representation of our internal emotional state, directional compass, and thermostat. We were designed as self-healing and self-regulating miracles in motion... as the season's change, so do our routines.- Melody Besner
- Tags: balance energy exercise grounding meditation mother earth nature

Therasage is getting to the Heart of the Matter
Lately we have been hearing a lot of debate in the fitness world over the differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise. For an example of aerobic activity, think "steady state cardio," such as cycling or running on the treadmill for 30 minutes or more. Anaerobic exercise, on the other hand, includes high intensity interval training (HIIT), which alternates between short bursts of activity followed by longer periods of rest.- Melody Besner
- Tags: detox exercise health heart heart health inflammation infrared healing sauna therasage wellness