Most of us know about the health benefits of sunlight in the production of Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is more than a vitamin, it is a hormone that controls many functions in the human body. However, many people do not understand the importance of sunlight on the production of nitric oxide (NO), my favorite molecule. Just like plants, our skin and other body tissues have the ability to absorb light and convert it into energy. There are certain wavelengths of light that have been shown to stimulate and activate nitric oxide production. Infrared and near infrared light therapy delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. Specific wavelengths of UV-free light energize cells and stimulate the body's natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells. When this beneficial light is exposed to the skin it helps to increase collagen and elastin production, reduce inflammation, speed healing, increase circulation, and even kill bacteria. These wavelengths of light work together to increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation so your body can naturally relieve pain, speed healing, and promote total body wellness.