Therasage Blog — toxins

Your Immune System Supports You All Year, Treat it in Kind
Every year I usually long for a little more summer when fall’s cool days take over and winter is sure to follow. But it is these seasonal changes that are good reminders to appreciate what has kept you healthy throughout the year, what has kept you afloat as cold and flu season approaches- Melody Besner
- Tags: chemicals detox exercise gut health health immune system toxins wellness

Holistic Vet, Marlene Siegel, talks Gut Health, Toxin Exposure, and Elimination!
If asked, what are the 3 things that could be done for our fur children to keep them healthy, I would answer: Gut health, Reduce toxin exposure, and Detoxify all 6 organs of elimination- Melody Besner
- Tags: detox diet gut health pets toxins

We Are What We Eat
"You are what you eat." How many times have we heard that saying? Often, it's said to discourage us from over-indulging in sweets and what we generally call "junk food." A more accurate expression, however, would be, "You are what you digest." What we consume literally becomes part of us. The nutrients in a banana assimilate into our bodies, and we excrete what we cannot use.
Yes: what we eat (and digest) becomes us.
- Melody Besner
- Tags: detox glyphosate gmo inflammation infrared healing nutrition therasage toxins

Wake Up!
To continue our previous blog discussion, "Get Your Health Back," we need to address the toxicity of the world we live in and the detoxification of our bodies.
- Melody Besner
- Tags: cancer chronic illness detox detoxification electrosmog health infrared sauna therasage toxins wellness