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Therasage Blog — Happiness

Tips to Crush it in 2021 from Guest Blogger Cary Jack

Tips to Crush it in 2021 from Guest Blogger Cary Jack

The holiday season, for whatever holiday you celebrate, is a time to show love, to be compassionate, and to promote peace. There has been a lot of uncertainty in the world this year, and it may feel at times like it’s too much to clear away, but when each and every one of us steps up to be the light, the uncertainty and darkness is pushed back, and often swept away. When you show up, day in and day out, to be a source of light in this world you are giving the world so much love, hope, and goodness. 
Follow Your Bliss....

Follow Your Bliss....

How do you find time for yourself, determine and sort through your priorities, interpret the messages, rise above the personal chaos, and feel the simple joys that life has to offer?  Stay with me and I will share my life's experience and share how to find happiness within the matrix of today’s complex world.
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