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The Present Moment

The Present Moment

Our last post mentioned the importance of mindfulness. In fact, healing is never complete without taking care of your mental and emotional states. That’s why we mentioned mindfulness meditation and the importance of keeping calm. So, we thought this was a good time to talk more about mindfulness, what mindfulness meditation is, and why it’s such a powerful exercise.


Being mindful is making yourself aware of what’s going on, both in and around you. Sometimes, it’s the subtle difference between looking at something and really seeing it as it is. Immersed as so many of us are in digital information overload, we’ve become accustomed to scanning text instead of genuinely reading it, word for word. But, words have meaning, and, the more important the subject discussed, the more meaningful is each word of the discussion.

Mindfulness Meditation

Meditating mindfully is surprisingly simple. It can be done while walking, by being aware of each step you take and how it feels to make contact with the ground. Or, it can be done while either sitting or lying down, by breathing rythmically and just following each inhalation and exhalation. And, whether sitting or lying down, why not in one of our saunas or on one of our heating pads? They promote the relaxation so necessary for calming both mind and body.

In both examples, the important thing is that you are concentrating on what is going on at the present moment. And, that’s the essence of this type of meditation: thinking of – and living in – the moment. But, how can such a simple thing be so beneficial?”

But, is stress something to be eliminated altogether? Or, is it rather something to be managed?

The Benefits

The verb “to be” is so basic and common that we can easily forget its importance. There are three fundamental tenses in all language: past, present, and future. Each of these tenses, or times, pertains to some part of time. The past was, and the future may or may not be. Only the present is.

Someone wisely said, “If you’re worried, you’re living in the past; if you’re anxious, you’re living in the future; if you’re at peace, you’re living in the present.” Fewer sayings are more concise and on-target in their accuracy. After all, we can’t change the past, and we can only imagine and plan for the future. Now is all we really have. The sad thing is that so many of us waste the here and now fixating on what was or what might be, neither of which is within our control.

So, seize the day indeed, and each and every moment it holds: the “now” of our life.

You’d be surprised at how much focused energy opens up within you when you do this!


The Therasage Team

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  • Melody Besner
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