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Julia Besner ~ The Therasage Story ~ Living in the Lyme-Light

Julia Besner ~ The Therasage Story ~ Living in the Lyme-Light

Julia Besner :: The Therasage Story ~ Living in the Lyme-Light

Julia was an inspiration to us all. She was the reason we started Therasage and now has become her legacy. Through her dedication and energy to help anyone she came in contact with,our inventions and applications have helped many health challenged people around the globe. She embodies every step we take and her loving touch is felt by all that knew her.

Robby Besner

Julia - A Warrior. Our Purple Princess. From the Hippocrates Institute Magazine in her own words:

See the actual article: Hippocrates Institute May 2016

“I want to help others avoid all of the pain and suffering I’ve gone through. Maintaining your health is the most important thing in life. I am so grateful to have a family that truly cares about me and searched high and low to find ways to help me heal, and now help others.”

Julia Besner

Her Legacy and Purpose Live On


Robby, Melody, Julia and Joey Besner 

Our mission is to continue her mission. We are honored to continue the warrior ship that is needed on this planet for there to be comfort and care where once was destitute and despair. We are a company founded on never giving up,putting integrity and love first. Julia --- you are our angel above. Thank you for walking with us these 30 short years. Your legacy was mighty. Your mission is magnificent. Through your bright light so many others will find help and healing through Therasage.


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  • Puja Wentworth, DC
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