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There's something about a weighted blanket that just feels… right. And cozy! If you've ever spent a night cocooned in one, you know what we're talking about. What is it about weighted blankets that makes them so darn comforting? Let’s explore the science behind why weighted blankets are so effective in providing relief and relaxation.


A weighted blanket is a type of blanket that is filled with materials that add weight, typically, such as glass beads, sand, rice, buckwheat hulls, or millet. The weight of the blanket should be evenly distributed throughout. Weighted blankets are also sometimes referred to as gravity blankets or deep-pressure touch therapy blankets.


Weighted blankets can provide a number of benefits.   They can be used to help relieve anxiety, stress, and tension. They can also help improve sleep quality. Weighted blankets are also sometimes used to help ease symptoms of autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sensory processing disorder (SPD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


How Does a Weighted Blanket Work?


The theory behind how weighted blankets work is that they essentially provide touch therapy. Deep pressure touch therapy is a form of therapeutic touch. Therapeutic touch is a type of alternative medicine that uses the practitioner’s hands to direct energy to the patient in order to promote healing.


The deep pressure created by the weighted blanket is thought to stimulate the release of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in happiness and relaxation. The release of serotonin has also been linked to improved sleep quality.

Benefits of Weighted Blankets


Are you someone who jumps quickly on supplement trends and has a cupboard of barely-used protocols and herb tinctures just sitting and collecting dust? The best part about weighted blankets is that you buy them one time and can enjoy their benefits forever. Not only do most people report clinical improvements (like with mood and anxiety), but there is also much research-based evidence to support weighted blankets as a safe, non-invasive addition to your wellness routine.


  • Reduces stress and anxiety

One of the most common reasons people use weighted blankets is to reduce stress and anxiety. And there's a good reason for this—several studies have shown that weighted blankets can help decrease anxiety levels.


How do weighted blankets work to reduce stress and anxiety? It all has to do with something called "deep pressure touch stimulation." Deep pressure touch stimulation refers to the physical feeling created by the added weight of the blanket, the same type that occurs with a firm hug. Deep pressure touch stimulation of any kind has a calming effect on the nervous system, which leads to reduced stress and anxiety levels.


  1. Improves sleep quality

If you struggle with insomnia or other sleep disorders, then a weighted blanket may be able to help. Weighted blankets can improve sleep quality by reducing tossing and turning at night and also help patients fall asleep faster. One study in the The International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being interviewed nursing staff about how residents clinically responded to the non-pharmacological “treatment” of weighted blankets and they reported more activity, better sleep, and more energy.


In another study, participants who used a weighted blanket reported feeling less restless at night and falling asleep faster than those who didn't use a weighted blanket (5). Another study found that participants who used a weighted blanket slept an average of nearly one hour longer per night than those who didn't use a weighted blanket (6). So if you're looking for a way to improve your sleep quality, a weighted blanket may be worth considering.


  • Eases symptoms of ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that can cause symptoms like difficulty focusing, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Some research suggests that weighted blankets may help ease symptoms of ADHD in children and adults (7).


One study found that participants who used a weighted vest during the day had significantly lower ratings of hyperactivity than those who didn't use a vest (8). Another study found that when children with ADHD wore weighted vests during class, had fewer attention problems than when they didn't wear the vests (9). These studies suggest that weighted products may help ease symptoms of ADHD.


  • Relieves pain

If you suffer from chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis, then you know how debilitating pain can be. Fortunately, research shows that weighted products can help relieve pain (10, 11). The pressure of the blanket can help ease muscle pain and joint stiffness, making it easier to get comfortable and fall asleep. Weighted products work to relieve pain by providing deep pressure touch stimulation. This deep pressure touch stimulation activates nerve endings in the skin, which sends messages to the brain that block out pain signals (12). As a result, using a weighted blanket can help lessen your pain and making it more manageable.


  1. Boosts mood

One study found that medical professionals reported the use of weighted blankets can increase serotonin levels, a hormone that's linked to happiness and well-being.

Participants who used weighted blankets had lessened symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility, than those who didn't use weighted blankets.


  1. May ease symptoms of autism spectrum disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that's characterized by social deficits, communication difficulties, and repetitive behaviors. Some studies have found that weighted blankets can help ease symptoms of ASD, including anxiety and hyperactivity .


  1. Calms the nervous system

The deep pressure provided by the weight of the blanket has a calming effect on the nervous system. This type of deep pressure stimulation has been shown to decrease stress and anxiety levels, while promoting relaxation.


A study found that a weighted blanket improved vital metrics (like pulse oximetry, pulse rate, and blood pressure) by 33% and 63% lower anxiety.

In fact, weighted blankets are even used during MRI scans to calm the system and decrease movement, especially for children. Another study found that use of a weighted blanket resulted in significant reductions in anxiety levels in people with generalized anxiety disorder.


  1. Lowers cortisol
    One study found that using a weighted blanket reduced anxiety in 63% of participants. Weighted blankets have also been shown to lower cortisol levels, which is a hormone that's released in response to stress. Weighted blankets with additional therapies like grounding and earthing techniques can have a similar effect if deployed during sleep.


  1. Increases calmness and focus

A study published in 2021 found that use of a weighted blanket led to increased levels of calmness and focus in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The children who used the weighted blanket also showed decreases in restlessness and fidgeting during class. Parents report improved quality of life.


  1. Lessen disruptive behaviors during the day
    A study published in Pediatrics found that children with autism who used weighted vests during the day exhibited fewer disruptive behaviors than those who did not use the vests. It is thought that the deep pressure provided by the vest helps to calm and focus the child, leading to less disruption during activities such as school or therapy sessions. These same findings can be attributed to weighted blankets as well!


  1. Ease symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
    A study published in Anxiety, Stress, & Coping found that participants with PTSD who used a weighted vest during therapy sessions had lower levels of anxiety and intrusive thoughts than those who did not use the vest. The vest was found to be most helpful when worn during sessions that were particularly anxiety-provoking for the participants. Weighted blankets are also used in distressing Emergency Room settings with success.

  2. Reduce settings where high amounts of sensory input are present

An article published by Autism Speaks cites several studies that have shown positive effects of using weighted products in settings where there is a high amount of sensory input, such as classrooms or crowded areas like festivals or amusement parks. The deep pressure provided by the weight helps autistic individuals feel more grounded and less overwhelmed by their surroundings. This can lead to improved behavior and decreased meltdowns or tantrums.



Type of People Who Can Benefit from Weighted Blanket Therapy


There are MANY types of people who can benefit from weighted blankets.

Here's a look at seven types of people who should try weighted blankets and why:


  1. People with chronic illnesses: Weighted blankets can help people with chronic illnesses by providing deep pressure touch therapy, which can help increase circulation and reduce pain.

    Chronic illnesses are characterized by symptoms that last for weeks, months, or even years. They can be incredibly debilitating and make it difficult to live a normal life. Common chronic illnesses include conditions like fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution for treating chronic illnesses, but weighted blankets have been shown to provide some relief for many sufferers. As mentioned above, weighted blankets can help improve sleep quality by providing deep touch pressure that leads to increased serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating mood and anxiety.


  1. People with anxiety: Weighted blankets can help people with anxiety by providing a sense of security and comfort. The added weight can also help to ground the individual and minimize racing thoughts. Most reported feeling grounded and calmer after just 20-30 minutes of use.

    Another study found that use of a weighted blanket resulted in significant reductions in anxiety levels in people with generalized anxiety disorder.


  1. People with insomnia: Weighted blankets can help people with insomnia by providing a sense of security and comfort, which can help to promote relaxation and improved sleep quality. Though it may feel foreign at first, test the blanket for approximately 2 weeks to allow your body to acclimate to see the incredible results ! You will also the the enhanced benefits from a nap with a weighted blanket1!
    A study published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine & Disorders found that use of a weighted blanket reduced anxiety levels in over half of the participants and improved sleep quality in 68% of participants. Another study found that use of a weighted blanket increased slow wave sleep (the deepest stage of sleep) by approximately 90 minutes per night and may even help produce melatonin. Slow wave sleep is important because it's when our bodies rest and heal from the day's activities. Slow-wave sleep is important for physical repair, cell regeneration, and memory consolidation.

    One study found that participants who used a weighted blanket reported feeling more relaxed and fell asleep more quickly than those who did not use a weighted blanket. Another study found that using a weighted blanket improved sleep quality in people with insomnia. Weighted blankets are thought to work by reducing restless movements during sleep, which can interfere with restful sleep.

  2. People with PTSD: Weighted blankets can help people with PTSD by providing a sense of security and comfort. The added weight can also help to ground the individual and reduce flashbacks or intrusive thoughts.

    A study from 2006 found that wearing a weighted vest helped people with PTSD feel calmer and less anxious. The participants in the study reported feeling less afraid and more in control when wearing the weighted vest. Another study from 2012 found similar results. The study found that people with PTSD who used weighted blankets had lower levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress. In PTSD patients, cortisol is typically lower than normal range as compared with people without PTSD. They also reported feeling less anxious and more alert during the day.


  1. People with autism: Weighted blankets can help people with autism by providing deep pressure touch therapy, which can help to reduce anxious behaviors and improve sleep quality.

    Weighted blankets are also beneficial for children with autism because they can help reduce self-stimulatory behavior. Self-stimulatory behavior is repetitive behavior that autistic children often do to soothe themselves. This can include rocking back and forth, flapping their hands, or stroking their skin. While self-stimulatory behavior is not harmful, it can be disruptive and interfere with everyday activities. Weighted blankets can help children with autism reduce self-stimulatory behavior by providing a sense of security and comfort.


There are a few different ways that weighted blankets can help your autistic child sleep better. First, the extra weight can help your child feel more secure and relaxed. The deep pressure touch of the weighted blanket can also help to calm the nervous system and ease anxiety. Additionally, the weight of the blanket can provide proprioceptive input that can help to improve focus and concentration.

A trial study published in The American Journal of Occupational Therapy showed that children who used weighted blankets had enhanced ability to fall and stay asleep and experienced more deep sleep than those who did not use weighted blankets. If your child is having trouble sleeping, a weighted blanket may be able to help.


  1. Elderly adults: Weighted blankets can help elderly adults by providing grounding comfort, especially for those experiencing mood disorders or arthritis. The blankets can help to increase circulation and reduce pain. Weighted blankets can also provide a sense of security and comfort, which can be beneficial for those experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease.


  1. Pregnant women: Weighted blankets can potentially help pregnant women by providing deep pressure touch therapy, which can help to reduce back pain and improve sleep quality. Please speak to your doctor before using a weighted blanket in pregnancy and verify which weight will be safe. Do not try this on your own!


How to Choose a Weighted Blanket


A weighted blanket is exactly what it sounds like—a heavy blanket. Weighted blankets typically weigh between 5 and 30 pounds, with the most popular weight being 12 pounds. They are filled with small beads that add weight to the blanket… you might be thinking, “Sounds easy! I’ll just buy the first one I can find.” Not so fast. Here are some specs to consider in order to make sure you’re investing in the perfect one for you and your personal healing journey.

There are a few things you need to consider before purchasing a weighted blanket, such as size, weight, and fabric. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect weighted blanket for you:

Fabric: The type of fabric your weighted blanket is made from will determine how comfortable it is to use. Some people prefer natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen, while others prefer synthetic fabrics, such as polyester or nylon. Bamboo is the highest quality natural fabric, environmentally friendly, and durable, making it an excellent choice for weighted blankets. Additionally, bamboo is naturally antibacterial and hypoallergenic, ideal for people with sensitive skin. Bamboo is also incredibly soft and also a sustainable material that is quickly renewable, making it a great choice for eco-conscious consumers. Depending on your climate and personal preferences, one type of fabric may be more comfortable for you than another. It’s important to find a blanket with a washable duvet cover to maximize cleanliness!


Fillings: Weighted blankets are typically filled with materials like polypropylene pellets or glass beads. Glass beads are higher quality, non-toxic, and hypoallergenic, and small crystals of earth elements and gemstones add additional benefits making them a good choice for people with allergies or sensitivities. This is especially important if you have chronic illness, as fabrics and materials can be irritating and exacerbate symptoms. Make sure the filling is evenly distributed throughout the blanket so you don't end up with lumpy areas.

EMF Protection: It’s extremely rare to find a weighted blanket that also offers EMF protection. Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are invisible areas of energy that are produced by electrically charged objects. These fields surround us constantly and are produced by things like power lines, cell phones, and computers. Although EMFs are invisible and seemingly harmless, they can actually have a significant negative impact on our health, especially for those who are chronically ill. EMFs have been shown to disrupt the body's natural electrical systems, which can lead to a host of health problems including fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. Chronic exposure to EMFs has also been linked to more serious conditions like cancer, heart disease, and infertility. This is especially true for those who are already dealing with chronic illness; EMF exposure can make symptoms worse and make it difficult for the body to heal. If you can find a blanket like the Therasage Weighted blanket that protects you against the harmful effects of EMFs while still delivering all the incredible benefits listed in this blog above, you should grab it!


If you suffer from a chronic illness, PTSD, insomnia, or other conditions, you know how difficult it can be to feel relaxed throughout the day and also get a good night's sleep. You may also be all too familiar with the fatigue, pain, and anxiety that come along with these conditions. While you may already be working with a practitioner to support your healing journey, weighted blankets have been shown to provide relief from the symptoms associated with these conditions in a safe, non-invasive way. If you're considering investing in a weighted blanket, be sure to choose a high-quality blanket from a reputable company, and hopefully you’ll be feeling less stress and more deep relaxation in just a single night’s sleep!


Size: Weighted blankets may come in a few sizes. If you plan on using your blanket primarily for sleeping, then you will want to choose a size that will fit comfortably on your bed.


Weight: The weight of the blanket is important because it determines how much pressure input you will receive. Generally, most people look for a blanket between 10-15 pounds.  


Are Weighted Blankets Safe?

Yes, weighted blankets are very safe for most people. However, there are a few things to keep in mind if you're considering using one. First, weighted blankets should never be used by children under the age of 2 or by people who are unable to move on their own. Make sure to choose a blanket that is the right size and weight for you. if you have any medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, you should talk to your doctor before using a weighted blanket.

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