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Learn about Lyme Disease in this series of videos created by Robby Besner, the device developer for Therasage. Robby interviews numerous experts on everything from Lyme disease, mold, detoxing, toxicity, pediatric lyme, co-infections, movement, reflexology, and solutions to protect yourself and get better.

"Lyme disease is also the cornerstone on why Therasage was created. It is the “why” of our dedication to the products we create and the people we help.

You see, Lyme disease walked into our home and set up residence in our daughter Julia’s body. We understand the difficulties that families face as they search for answers, treatments, and a cure for this insidious disease. We went through the same exact thing."
To read Julia's story visit here.


Robby Besner and Dr. Scott Richmond discuss:


  • - Purifying your body and health
    - The Importance of your Immune System and Inflammation
    - Ozone, Natural Remedies, and Mold
    - Surrounding Yourself with the right people
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Dr. Jodie Dashore discuss:


  • - Plant-based medicine for "non-responders" and chronic Lyme patients
  • - Biotoxin Illness in Complex Patients
  • - HLA Genetics and Inherited Immune Response
  • - Immune Boosting and Immune Upregulation
  • - And more…..


Robby Besner and Monte Skall discuss:


  • - Your Voice for Lyme and Nat Cap Lyme
  • - Legislation
  • - Support Groups
    - And More….


Robby Besner and Gregg Gonzales discuss:


  • - Gratitude & Mindfulness
    - Joyful Focus
    - How do emotions affect you physiologically
    - Laughter
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Dr. Joel Rosen discuss:


  • - Adrenal Fatigue
    - Stress and the demand for energy versus what you are able to produce
    - Ways to get back on track
    - Minimize your stimuli
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Gaby Piccarilli discuss:


  • - Gaby’s personal health journey to foot reflexology
    - Choosing the right reflexology stones
    - Set the tone for your healing space
    - Foot reflexology exercises for those who are bedbound or physically limited
  • - And More…..


Robby Besner and Barry Marisol Teijeiro discuss:


  • - How a 200-year-old European Healing technique can change your health and your life
    - The POOP about POOP
    - Her experiences healing Lyme patients
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Chef Collin Goodine discuss:


  • - Creating a food journal
  • - Learn how to turn your food into your medicine
  • - Important tips on what foods support a strong immune system
  • - Guide you to the best food choices that support vibrant health
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Dr. Jennifer Gramith discuss:


  • - How does Lyme affect your Immune system?
  • - Why isn't your Immune system fighting off the Lyme bacteria?
  • - How can you assist your lymphatic system in fighting Lyme and co-infections?
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Jaclyn Willms discuss:


  • - The Value of Movement
  • - Learn simple ways to get your body moving again
  • - Get inspired and motivated to take that first step to recovery
  • - Unpack the true mind-body journey
    - And More…..


Robby Besner and Matt Storey discuss:


  • - Learn about who Dr. Simone is
  • - Make Peace with Lyme Supplement and Nutrition - Tips and Tricks
  • - How emotions play a Role in Recovery
  • - And More…..


Robby Besner and Wendy Myers discuss:


  • - Heavy metals and their impact on our gut health and microbiome
    - Reducing toxic load to restore balance
    - Mobilize toxins and using binders
    - Implementing Energy Medicine
    And More…..

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