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Ozone used therapeutically has numerous proven applications that can improve your health; including hyperbaric chambers, oxygen concentrators and various natural breathing techniques such as Wim Hof and Buteyko methods. All of these various methods will help improve the oxygen content of your blood.


As we grow older, generally after the age of twenty (20), our bodies produce less redox signaling molecules. After the age of thirty (30), our bodies produce much less Nitric Oxide (NO) which greatly diminishes our bodies and particularly our blood's ability to hold oxygen. This is called oxidative stress.


Oxidative Stress is a major contributor to why we age, why our cells and tissue functions are restrictive, why our immune systems are suppressed, why many genetic proclivities come out prematurely and why many foreign pathogens can enter our bodies and thrive.


Ozone can be made and delivered to the body in several ways. Let’s first make the distinction between clinical grade ozone and the less caustic form as we have made in our device called TheraO3. Clinical grade ozone has a regulating mechanism that controls the mixture of pure Oxygen (O2) and into the airflow and comes from an oxygen concentrator. This is called the GAMA, or the ratio of pure oxygen to regular airflow. Dialing up the GAMA is dialing up the concentration of pure O2 which in many cases can be caustic to your breathing pathways and your skin. This is why it’s super important that you follow the guidelines that your Health Professional gives you when you are using clinical-grade Ozone. You can overdo it.


TheraO3 works on a different principle. Therasage has developed a specialized light fixture that can split the O2 into unstable O1’s. Then as the system pushes these unstable O1’s out the front of the device, they marry up with an O2 to make O3, which is defined as Ozone. TheraO3 produces the lowest GAMA format and also the most breathable and least caustic to your skin. It was designed to be integrated with the Thera360 Plus portable sauna. So, when the Full Spectrum InfraRed frequencies are absorbed by the body, they will liberate Nitric Oxide (NO) which vasodilates your small veins and arteries, but more importantly, it triggers your Hemoglobin (blood cell) to grab, hold on to, and absorb more oxygen when made available. When you start to sweat in the sauna your extra hydrated skin now not only gets toxins out but will be a direct portal to get extra oxygen directly into the bloodstream.


TheraO3 delivers 750 mg/cc per hour and is designed to operate in a small room, home office, hotel room, your car, or perhaps a bathroom. It can also be taken on public transportation, such as an airplane. It will also disinfect and kill most airborne bacterias or viruses and remove odors. Affordable and portable, TheraO3 is an amazing device to lower Oxidative stress and improve your overall health.


Other Know Facts about Ozone

Ozone therapy has been utilized and extensively studied for many decades altogether. Its effects are proven, consistent and with minimal side effects. Medical O3, used to disinfect and treat disease, has been around for over 150 years. Used to treat infections, wounds, and multiple diseases, O3's effectiveness has been well-documented. It has been used to disinfect drinking water before the turn of the last century. Ozone was known to treat as many as 114 diseases. [1] Ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first O3 generator in the US, later forming the “Tesla Ozone Company.”[2] During the first world war (1914-18) doctors familiar with O3's antibacterial properties, and with few other medical resources available to them applied it topically to infected wounds and discovered O3 not only remedied infection but also had hemodynamic and anti-inflammatory properties.[3] In the late 1980s, reports had emerged that German physicians were successfully treating HIV patients with 03-AHT (Auto hemo-therapy). Ozone had shown promise via in vitro testing.


Inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, and protozoa:


Ozone therapy disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. In fungi, O3 inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the O3 damages the viral capsid and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells that make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces them with healthy cells.[4]

Stimulation of oxygen metabolism:


Ozone therapy causes an increase in the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This leads to the stimulation of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate which leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen released to the tissues. Ozone activates the Krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating the production of ATP. It also causes a significant reduction in NADH and helps to oxidize cytochrome C. There is a stimulation of the production of enzymes that act as free radical scavengers and cell-wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Production of prostacyclin, a vasodilator, is also induced by O3 [5] [6]

Activation of the immune system:


Ozone administered at a concentration of between 30 and 55 μg/cc causes the greatest increase in the production of interferon and the greatest output of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-2. The production of interleukin-2 launches an entire cascade of subsequent immunological reactions.[7] Ozone was also found to increase host immunity by increasing the production of cytokine. Ozone was effectively used as an antibacterial agent to treat oral infections.

Mechanism of action of O3 on the human lung:


Ozone exposure induces a significant mean decrement in vital capacity. It significantly increases mean airway resistance and specific airway resistance but does not change dynamic or static pulmonary compliance or viscous or elastic work. It also significantly reduces maximal transpulmonary pressure. And furthermore, it significantly increases respiratory rate and decreased tidal volume.[8]




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